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Todd Klindt's home page > Todd Klindt's Office 365 Admin Blog > Posts > Podcast 450 - The Lost Episodes
March 25
Podcast 450 - The Lost Episodes

Shane and Todd are back. They start with a summary of where all the podcasts have been hiding lately. Todd shares the total of the birthday charity drive this year. Then we talk about ChrEdge and how easy it is to question whether something is real or fake anymore. Wrapping up with a quick summary of upcoming events where one or both of them may be found.

Recorded 2/12/2020

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Podcast 450 - The Lost Episodes (Time 0_03_36;17)

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Running Time: 46:22


22:55 Microsoft relented on Bing-Jacking
36:45 Home Stallone [DeepFake]



Who made coreball?

Core ball was developed by, a website known for offering a variety of browser-based gaming tools and tests. The game drew inspiration from the classic arcade hit AA Ball, adapting its core concept for modern web browsers.  
 on 11/21/2024 1:16 AM

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