| Here in the US there is currently a government shutdown and a lot of workers are furloughed. One of them recently reached out to me with resume, looking for some work to tide him over until he can go back to work. This got me thinking about what I could do to help. Sadly, not a lot. I can, though, offer some training or consulting to IT workers that have suddenly found themselves with some time on their hands. If you’re a furloughed US Government worker, and would like one hour of free SharePoint, Office 365, or PowerShell training, or just want to hang for an hour, email me at furlough@toddklindt.com. We’ll work out a time and some topics. Now, hopefully this will all be resolved soon and no one will be able to take me up on my offer. tk ShortURL: https://www.toddklindt.com/Furlough |