I’ve had a busy month or so of travel, going to the MVP Summit and being honored to speak at SPS Omaha. All of those things are in the rear-view mirror. The next big event for me, really for all of us, is the SharePoint Conference North America.
I could go on and on about how great it’s going to be. Microsoft will be there in full force. Answering our questions, showing us cool stuff, giving away annoying screeching monkeys, and just generally making things fun. There’s also going to be a bunch of the best non-Microsoft folks there. Presenters, sponsors, you name it. It would be a shame if you missed it all.
Speaking of missing it all, here is my schedule during the event. I’ll update it as I add new things:
Monday, May 21st - 11:00 - 11:30 Keynote Wrapup (Expo Hall Podcasting Booth)
Monday, May 21st - 3:00 – 4:00 SharePoint Migration, What Did I Get Myself Into? (Room 123)
Monday, May 21st - 5:15 – 6:30 SharePint, Reception in the Expo Hall
Tuesday, May 22nd – 8:30 – 9:30 Life as a SharePoint Administrator in the Year 2018 (Room 123)
Tuesday, May 22nd - 10:45 - 11:30 Hangout with me at the SysKit Booth in the Expo Hall (Booth 423)
Tuesday May 22nd - 5:00 – 6:30 Record Podcast in the Expo Hall
Tuesday, May 22nd – 8:00 – ???? Attendee Pool-side Party
Wednesday, May 23rd – 9:45 – 10:45
Cloud Authentication Options for Hybrid Environments (Room 121)
Thursday, May 24th - 9:00 – 4:00 SharePoint Administration Day Camp workshop (Room 112)
You can download the full conference schedule from here.
Shane and I are also planning on having a Podcast get together at some point. I’ll let you all know when that will be.
Does this sound like too much fun to pass up? Of course it is! If you haven’t already registered (tsk, tsk) don’t fret, there’s still time. Point your favorite browser to the SharePoint Conference NA web site and get Registered. If you use the Discount Code KLINDT you’ll get $50 off, my eternal gratitude, and it’ll make Shane mad. Everybody wins!
If have the unfortunate situation of not being able to join us at SPC NA in person, but still want to join in, here's a link to a live stream of the Keynote.
See you in Vegas,
Download Slides
ShortURL: https://www.toddklindt.com/SPCNA2018
Edited 4/18 to fix Podcast time
Edited 4/20 to add Authentication session
Edited 5/15 to add Keynote podcast and time at the SysKit booth
Edited 5/20 to add link to Keynote live stream
Edited 5/25 to add download link