It’s hard to believe, but we’re only a few days away from SPTechCon in Boston. As I’m making my lists and checking them twice I thought I’d put all of my events in one convenient location. That way folks that are attending SPTechCon will more easily be able to avoid me. 
Monday, September 15th
Live Netcast Recording – 9:00 PM-ish Location: It’s currently a secret
Shane and I will be doing a live recording and stream of my SharePoint netcast. If you’ve ever wanted to heckle in person, here’s your big chance. You’ll have to bring your own tomatoes, we will not be providing them.
Tuesday, September 16th
Upgrading from SharePoint 2010 to 2013 – 9:00am – 12:15pm
Everyone is doing it, so what are you waiting for? The best answer would be that you are waiting to learn all of the fun that goes into an upgrade. Well, if that is the case, then wait no longer. Come to this class to learn about all things upgrade. Topics to be covered are the options you have to upgrade, planning for the process, and looking at the tools Microsoft includes with SharePoint to help along the way.
The good news is this time around there is only one upgrade option to show you for getting the database upgraded, but when it comes to upgrading the UI, it is a brave new world. Visual upgrade is gone and now you have 2010 versus 2013 site collections running in the same 2013 farm. And the transition from a 2010 site collection is now self-service for the site collection administrator--crazy! Come hang out with us as we explore this together.
Office 365 vs. On-Premise Panel – 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Andrew Connell is hosting a panel with some of the brightest minds in the SharePoint world to discuss what the future of SharePoint in the cloud and on-premises is. They decided it would be fun to invite me to have someone to make fun of. Join us and let us know what you think, of both SharePoint and them making fun of me.
Wednesday, September 17th
Introduction to Windows PowerShell for SharePoint Administrators – 11:00am – 12:15pm
Do you plan on working on Microsoft products for the next five years? Do you only know enough about PowerShell to spell it correctly? If you answered yes, then this is the class for you. PowerShell is the present and future tool that is the cornerstone of administering Microsoft products like SharePoint, and if you don't know it, then you are working too hard. Come to this class to learn the key fundamentals of PowerShell, and how to use those skills to solve every problem you have ever had. That's right! If you have a flat tire, PowerShell can even fix that.
SharePoint 2013 Administrator Skills – 3:45pm – 5:00pm
In this class, we will go over the different admin topics that are new for 2013. Some experience with 2010 is assumed, so the class can focus on topics new to 2013. Some of the high points will be an overview of how Office Web Apps have changed your farm topology; the move to loving Claims authentication; and why all the talk about host name site collections. For certain, PowerShell will sneak in not because it is new, but because it is that important.
Lightning Talks – 5:15pm – 6:30pm
Watch vendors try to hawk their wares without it looking like they’re trying to hawk their wares. Also see Shane and I try to be funny, even though we’re not.
I’ll also just be wandering the halls chatting with folks. If you see me, be sure to come up and introduce yourself and say “Hi!” and maybe take a minute or two to explain why you like me better than Shane. Rackspace will also have a booth, so I’ll be hanging out there, too.
See you next week.
ShortURL: http://www.toddklindt/SPTechConBoston2014