If you haven’t installed this in your Production environment yet, please hold off. If you have it in a Test or Dev environment go ahead and keep testing it. I’ll update this blog post as I get more information.
FAQs (added 4/7/2014)
Q1) I was going to install SharePoint 2013 in a new farm with Service Pack 1 in a week (a day, 17 minutes, etc). This seems scary, should I still do it?
A2) First, breathe, it's gonna be okay. :) If I were installing a new farm in the next couple of days I would not install it with Service Pack 1. I would either install the farm with the March 2013 Public Update, or I'd wait a few days to see what Microsoft says about how to fix existing farms with Service Pack 1.
Q2) But, but, but I already have Service Pack 1 installed in my Production farm. Woe is me! Am I screwed? Am I going to have to quit SharePoint and become a Notes administrator? My family will be so ashamed!
A2) I would, never, ever recommend anyone take drastic action like becoming a Notes administrator. That's the kind of shame that doesn't wash off. If you currently have a Production farm with Service Pack 1 on it you're fine. Microsoft will fix this. They promise, and I believe them. I know, I know, "patching the patch that makes it so you can't install another patch" is pretty funny to think about, but I'm sure they can pull it off.
Q3) What if I have Service Pack 1 in a Test farm? Can it infect my Production farm?
A3) Test farms are fine. If you're currently testing Service Pack 1 in a Test farm, keep on keepin' on. When the Service Pack 1 fix comes out drop it into your Test farm and see what happens. I would still plan on putting Service Pack 1 on your Production farm eventually.
Q4) I installed a new SharePoint 2013 farm using the MSDN ISO that had Service Pack 1 baked in. Am I in trouble, too?
A4) No, you're fine. Bill Baer told me that this issue only affects farms that were patched to Service Pack 1. Farms that were installed with the MSDN ISO are not affected. If you used an RTM ISO and slipstreamed Service Pack 1 in you are affected. But like I said in A2, you'll be fine.