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Todd Klindt's home page > Todd Klindt's Office 365 Admin Blog > Posts > Netcast 143 - Screwery
January 30
Netcast 143 - Screwery

Tonight's episode starts out with me going over some of the changes I've made recently to my Netcast. I cover what's worked, and what hasn't worked. Then I give you all an update on the updates that have been breaking poor defenseless SharePoint 2010 and 2013 farms for the last month or so. Then I talk about application pools and why, much like plastic, we should recycle them. I finish up with the definitive explanation of what SkyDrive Pro is and how it compares to SkyDrive.

MP3 File

WMV File

M4V (iPod) File


Chat room transcript

Running Time: 49:41


Netcast YouTube channel

Windows 2008 R2 patch that breaks SharePoint 2010

Trevor's article on the December 2012 CU


Brought to you by Rackspace



All what you want to know about Skydrive Pro

Hi Todd,

Please check the below tow blogs its contains some great info:

Restrictions and limitations related to syncing SharePoint libraries to your computer with SkyDrive Pro (Office 365 Technical Blog):

Ex. of the info:
How many items can I sync?
You can sync up to 20,000 items in your SkyDrive Pro library, including folders and files.
You can sync up to 5,000 items in other SharePoint libraries, including folders and files. These are the libraries you find in various SharePoint sites, such as team sites and community sites.

Confusing : “Skydrive is not Skydrive is not Skydrive Pro…but actually it is” (Serge Luca's Blog)

Mahmoud Hamed
 on 1/31/2013 1:44 AM

Changing AD DS With SharePoint

Hi Todd:

I love the work you do. This may be off topic, but I was wondering what happens if you try to move your SharePoint farm to another domain (AD DS).  This is scary and so far I have found no useful research on this. The only thing I can think of is create a new farm and attach the databases on the target domain.  Let me know what you think.

 on 2/2/2013 12:29 AM

Re: Netcast 143 - Screwery

Hi Leo,
I haven't tried to move a SharePoint farm from one domain to another. Sounds scary. I think rebuilding and reattaching the databases is what I'd do if I were in your shoes.

Todd O. KlindtNo presence information on 2/3/2013 11:09 PM

Re: All what you want to know about Skydrive Pro

Thanks for the links.

Todd O. KlindtNo presence information on 2/3/2013 11:15 PM

Missing Link

The phrase "Windows 2008 R2 patch that breaks SharePoint 2010" does not contain a link. Could you please add the link so that we can find the info. thanks

 on 3/5/2013 7:44 AM

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