| This blog post was written about the Preview of SharePoint 2013. This behavior may be different in the RTM version of the product. Each religion has their own version of the creation story. They vary on the details, but I’m pretty sure they all agree on one point. The day after creation, everyone lamented that there wasn’t a fancy icon next to the PDF files in their SharePoint libraries. It’s been a problem that long. To make matters worse, SharePoint has also never natively indexed PDF files either. We’ve been forced to install Adobe’s free PDF iFilter (which might not be worth what we paid for it) or the much better Foxit iFilter, but it costs money. It was a tough decision that every business had to make, because every business has scads (I think that’s a metric term) of important information in PDF files. In poking around in SharePoint 2013 I noticed both of those problems are finally resolved. I was setting up some search demos and I dropped some PDF files into a document library, just to see what happened. I was pleasantly surprised to see this: Keep in mind this is all out of the box functionality, I haven’t installed any software on this machine to deal with PDF files. That fancy icon came out of the box, and the ability to find results in a file came out of the box too. Glory be! tk ShortURL: http://www.toddklindt.com/SP2013PDF |