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June 22
SharePoint Integrated SSRS doesn’t like SQL Developer Edition

If you’ve read my blog one or twice or heard me speak at a conference you know how much developers pick on me. It’s like junior high all over again, but I am getting stuffed in fewer trash cans, so that’s nice. This week the vast developer conspiracy found a new way to stick it to me.

I was just minding my own business, installing the SQL 2008 R2 version of SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) for a customer. After I got the bits installed I started configuring SSRS and I got this lovely message:


For the benefit of search engines here’s the text of the message:

The feature: “Using other editions of SQL Server for report data sources and/or report server database” is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services.

I was installing SSRS on a server running SharePoint, and the SQL backend database server was a different machine. This error seems pretty straight forward. The edition of SSRS I’m installing doesn’t support having its databases on another server. This was news to me. I had done this a dozen times (some of them even worked) and it’s supported. Just to be sure I double-checked the version of SQL I had installed from and it was the Enterprise Edition. All should be good. But yet, it wasn’t.

Despite the error being very clear that this was a problem with SSRS, I decided to look at the backend database server I was trying to use. Here was the problem:


The backend server was running the Developer Edition of SQL 2008 R2. The Developer Edition of SQL server is available to MSDN subscribers. It has the same functionality (except SSRS, apparently) as the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server, but it licensed for use by developers in development and test environments. When I was writing my Installing SSRS 2012 without upgrading your database server blog post I encountered the same problem. The VM I was using to test that blog post was also running the Developer Edition of SQL Server and I got similar issues. Could I be having the same problem on this server? On a hunch, I pointed the SSRS install at an instance of SQL server that was running the Enterprise Edition. Surprise, surprise, it worked just fine.

Once again, developers and poor error messages conspire against me. Fortunately I was able to defeat them.




DE and EE are the same exact bits

Are you sure there wasn't a problem with the DE configuration?

 on 6/22/2012 10:52 PM

Re: DE and EE are the same exact bits

The can't be "the exact same bits" or the product screen wouldn't say "Developer Edition" like it does in my second screen shot. I didn't have permission to fiddle with the DE box much, so I can't say for sure. I will say though that there is some documentation suggesting there are combinations of things that work with SSRS. Developer Edition does not exist 100% of the places Enterprise Edition does. Here's one such list,

Todd O. KlindtNo presence information on 6/23/2012 10:27 AM

Why were there DE bits there...

…so basically my curiousity was around the fact that you've got DE bits on your SharePoint box… guessing that some unsuspecting developer type did the original install?

 on 6/23/2012 11:40 PM

What about SP1?

Hey Todd,

what about using a slipstreamed SP1 install media?
I know SQL2008R2SP1 is needed to install on Win2008R2SP1, but it's plausable that it (or even a more recent CU) might address this issue.

I've gotten out of the "bad habbit" of using the Dev Edition in dev environments, as we're only using the Standard Edition in production.  So I have SQL2008R2SP1-Std media that I use for all installs.

It means there's less surprises in production.

Having said that, we recently installed our first Ent edition...

 on 6/24/2012 7:46 PM

Re: Why were there DE bits there...

I did a poor job explaining this in my blog post. Here's essentially how the machines looked:

WEB1 - SharePoint 2010 box and the main one users hit
APP1 - SharePoint 2010 box with service apps on it
DB1 - SQL 2008 R2 box with the dreaded Developer Edition on it. All of SharePoint's databases are here.

I installed SSRS on WEB1 and tried to put the SSRS databaess on DB1. That's when I got the error. I had to find DB2 that was not Developer Edition in order to get SSRS installed and working.

Todd O. KlindtNo presence information on 6/25/2012 7:06 AM

Re: What about SP1?

I don't know if a CU "fixes" it or not. Since I had the same problem with SSRS 2012 I dont' think it's something they're going to fix, for whatever reason.

Todd O. KlindtNo presence information on 6/25/2012 7:12 AM

SKU Check

More confirmation of this issue with detail on the SKU check which SSRS performs.  -@SPJeff
 on 3/12/2014 4:35 PM

Re: SKU Check

Thanks for the follow-up, Jeff.

Todd O. KlindtNo presence information on 3/20/2014 10:38 AM


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